The lupin forest and fox
In this enchanting artwork, a tiny fox stands at the edge of a dense forest shrouded in a tranquil fog, its vivid imagination stirred by the ethereal landscape before it. Countless trees, their forms softened by the mist, create a captivating forested backdrop. Amidst the lush foliage of the forest floor, a sea of lupin flowers unfolds, their myriad shades of purple and blue painting a vibrant tapestry. At the heart of this masterpiece lies a mesmerizing centerpiece—a pristine turquoise lake that shimmers with a dark yet captivating sheen, meticulously crafted with epoxy resin. The fox, a silent observer, appears entranced by the sheer beauty of this serene scene, its senses awakened by the natural wonder that surrounds it. This painting beckons viewers to lose themselves in the delicate balance between reality and dream, where the boundaries of the forest and the allure of the shimmering lake converge in a symphony of nature's grace. The artist enjoys strolls in the forest, savoring the mysteries of nature, and dreams of finding solace in a small cottage, hidden from the world.
Size: 8 W x 10 H
Materials: acrylic on a canvas, epoxy Resin
Frame: no, wired on the back
Year: 2024
In this enchanting artwork, a tiny fox stands at the edge of a dense forest shrouded in a tranquil fog, its vivid imagination stirred by the ethereal landscape before it. Countless trees, their forms softened by the mist, create a captivating forested backdrop. Amidst the lush foliage of the forest floor, a sea of lupin flowers unfolds, their myriad shades of purple and blue painting a vibrant tapestry. At the heart of this masterpiece lies a mesmerizing centerpiece—a pristine turquoise lake that shimmers with a dark yet captivating sheen, meticulously crafted with epoxy resin. The fox, a silent observer, appears entranced by the sheer beauty of this serene scene, its senses awakened by the natural wonder that surrounds it. This painting beckons viewers to lose themselves in the delicate balance between reality and dream, where the boundaries of the forest and the allure of the shimmering lake converge in a symphony of nature's grace. The artist enjoys strolls in the forest, savoring the mysteries of nature, and dreams of finding solace in a small cottage, hidden from the world.
Size: 8 W x 10 H
Materials: acrylic on a canvas, epoxy Resin
Frame: no, wired on the back
Year: 2024
In this enchanting artwork, a tiny fox stands at the edge of a dense forest shrouded in a tranquil fog, its vivid imagination stirred by the ethereal landscape before it. Countless trees, their forms softened by the mist, create a captivating forested backdrop. Amidst the lush foliage of the forest floor, a sea of lupin flowers unfolds, their myriad shades of purple and blue painting a vibrant tapestry. At the heart of this masterpiece lies a mesmerizing centerpiece—a pristine turquoise lake that shimmers with a dark yet captivating sheen, meticulously crafted with epoxy resin. The fox, a silent observer, appears entranced by the sheer beauty of this serene scene, its senses awakened by the natural wonder that surrounds it. This painting beckons viewers to lose themselves in the delicate balance between reality and dream, where the boundaries of the forest and the allure of the shimmering lake converge in a symphony of nature's grace. The artist enjoys strolls in the forest, savoring the mysteries of nature, and dreams of finding solace in a small cottage, hidden from the world.
Size: 8 W x 10 H
Materials: acrylic on a canvas, epoxy Resin
Frame: no, wired on the back
Year: 2024